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Physicians call for health-first approach to drug policy

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians is calling for drug policy that puts people’s health first in its latest position statement.

The position statement focuses on the need to have a comprehensive approach to drug policy that is evidence-based and includes education, harm prevention and reduction, and treatment.

RACP President Professor Jennifer Martin says that all levels of Government need to listen to evidence-based advice that will actually improve health outcomes, address inequity and reduce harm.

"Government needs to address drug use from all angles – there is no one silver bullet that will fix the issue because as physicians, we know that a health-focused approach requires a comprehensive understanding of interconnecting issues.

“To prevent harmful use and educate people on the harm of drugs, Government needs to ensure that there are well-funded and accessible social supports to address childhood trauma, which is often a precursor to drug use.

“Government must also invest in drug and alcohol treatment services, ensuring that services provided are accessible and effective.

“Each of these elements – education, treatment, prevention and harm reduction – are necessary for effective policy that keeps patients safe and respects their dignity.

“To reduce the harm from drugs, the Government must consider decriminalisation to keep people from interacting with the justice system, which we know has long-lasting adverse impacts for individuals and communities.

“Evidence shows that criminalisation of drug use for personal possession does not improve any outcomes – not for people who use drugs, their families, and the community.

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