In another parliamentary first, Legalise Cannabis WA MPs Dr Brian Walker and Sophia Moermond today tabled not one, but two cannabis bills.
Following their anticipated attempt to legislate for adult recreational use of cannabis here in Western Australia, the pair then tabled a second bill, calling for a referendum on the question.
Giving his second reading speech on the Misuse of Drugs (Lawful Person Use of Cannabis) Amendment Bill 2024, Dr Walker reiterated his party’s commitment to reform.
“Recreational use of cannabis has always been part of our social structure. Over half the population has tried it at some point, and about 10% consume it on a regular basis.”
“This bill would allow a person to grow up to six cannabis plants at their place of residence, and to share up to 50 grams of cannabis with another adult, for no economic gain, without an offence being committed.”
“The bill contains safeguards to ensure that young people are not adversely affected, and to stop people smoking or vaping cannabis in public spaces. Beyond that though, we’re proposing to treat small amounts of cannabis in the same way that we currently treat beer and tobacco.”
Immediately after Dr Walker resumed his seat, his colleague Sophia Moermond rose to introduce the Legalise Cannabis (Referendum) Bill 2024.
“We don’t necessarily expect the government to come on board with our legalisation plans,” she commented, “but surely we can hope that, if they won’t listen to us, they’ll at least listen to the ordinary people of WA.”
Ms Moermond quoted a number of recent surveys which showed support for cannabis legalisation at an all-time high.
“As many as 80% of Australians support a change in the law, according to last year’s National Drug Strategy Household Survey.”
Ms Moermond’s bill would add a referendum question to the ballot at the next state election, scheduled for March 2025, with voters being asked “should cannabis be legalised in Western Australia to allow for home growth and adult personal use.”
“If the Cook Government believes its prohibitionist approach is the right one, let them put it to the test by asking the voting public,” Ms Moermond suggested.
Supporting the suggestion, Dr Walker noted, “We have nothing to fear from a formal test of public opinion here in WA, but can Labor say the same?”
A government response to both bills is expected in mid-June.