- Legalising cannabis would remove it from the criminal justice system. Treating cannabis as a crime has resulted in human rights violations disproportionately affecting the most marginalised sectors of society
- Dignity is a fundamental principle of human rights. No drug law, policy, or practice should undermine or affect the dignity of any person. Police strip searches looking for cannabis intended for personal use violate that right and are a form of torture. These must be outlawed especially in public places where people are enjoying their right to freedom.
- Legalising cannabis would help to address the discrimination being experienced by those who are financially disadvantaged by their medical condition, which precludes them from obtaining expensive, imported, legal medical cannabis products and leaving many to face criminal charges.
- All Australians have the right to access safe, effective, and affordable cannabis medicine. A compassionate access scheme could be put in place for patients, but legalising cannabis would eliminate the need to do this and the cost of implementing and maintaining.
- Prohibition denies us the right to autonomy and self-determination over what we take into our own body. This intrusion into bodily integrity is a human rights violation.
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